Recent updates include:
- Enhanced Print function added to Sparks and Shares, including a cover page with the Project display information, logo, project description and header with print date, project title and page numbers
- Mail history now highlights failed emails with a failure message and a red box around the participant's Mail #
- Failed emails are recorded in the mail history with a message
- A "Mailed' column has been added to the Participants List with the date of the last successful email
- When emailing participants, a "Mail log comment" can be added. The comment is visible in the Mail History for each participant.
- A Date Format can be set in the User Profile/Settings/User Interface menu
- Survey Statement terminology renamed to Survey Question to avoid user confusion bewteen questions and text (for messages, headings and instructions) in surveys
- Various other fixes and improvements
- Help Center Updated to provide clearer images when opened in a LightBox
- Stay tuned for many new features to be released during August and September